Celebrate Miracles & Magic

The holidays are a known time of miracles - the story of Hanukkah where a days worth of oil kept flames burning for 8 days or the story of Virgin Mary giving birth to the son of God, known as Jesus. Religion aside, we experience miracles everyday - your heartbeat, your own breath that keeps you alive and on an even more subtle level, a cosmic intelligence that exists inside the billions of cells in your body that know exactly what to do and when to do it. That to me is a miracle.

Whether it is holiday miracles or miracles that we experience everyday, they remind us of what is most important in life. Miracles teach us to believe in what we cannot see and bring a sense of wonder and awe into the mystery of it all.

As the year comes to a close, I've spent the past few weeks reflecting upon the small miracles that occurred throughout the year:

  • staying calm in a really stressful situation

  • witnessing my daughter do really brave things 

  • a fantastic new friendship

  • synchronicity of time, place and experiences for opportunity and growth

  • the growth of a bountiful flower garden where I thought there wasn't enough sunlight

The beauty of this reflection is that it brings to light the core values that are most important in life.

  • What are the miracles that you've witnessed recently? 

  • What are the core values in your life that are most important to you?

  • What brings a sense of awe and wonder into your life?

May you experience a sense of wonder of everyday miracles that send a note of optimism, joy and kindness into your heart.

Blessings to you for a healthy, happy and harmonious holiday season!

Marnie Memmolo, E-RYT500, YACEP, RPYT, AWC
Owner/Founder Maha Moon


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