
Resume on January 4, 2024

THURSDAYS 7:30 - 8:30 AM

An energizing and rejuvenating yoga practice that incorporates gentle somatic movement, basic yoga seated and standing asana (postures) and pranayama (breathwork) and restorative postures for a more meditative experience. This class is suitable for anyone new to yoga, recovering from and injury or limited in mobility or simply wants a slower pace and less weight bearing experience.

Suggested props: 2 blocks, 1 D-ring strap & blanket.

Drop-in = $20
5-pack livestream yoga classes = $90 (expires 60 days from date of purchase)
10-pack livestream yoga classes = $150 (expires 90 days from date of purchase)

Weekly Offerings

Mondays, 9:30 am
All Levels at Lift Yoga Studio, Johns Creek

Tuesdays, 10:30 am
Prenatal Yoga at Maha Moon (home studio), Alpharetta

Wednesdays, 12 pm
All Levels at Lift Yoga Studio, Johns Creek

Wednesdays, 6:30 - 9 pm
Virtual Childbirth Education Classes

Thursdays, 11 am
Postpartum Baby & Me Yoga at Maha Moon (home studio), Alpharetta

Thursdays, 6:30 pm
Prenatal Yoga at Maha Moon (home studio), Alpharetta

Thursdays, 7 am (ET)
Morning Flow live stream

I feel very lucky to have found Marnie Mysnyk~Memmolo. The environment is so welcoming and the quality of instruction, excellent. I have observed during class and after class, as each student receives skillfully offered personal attention as needed, in ways that serve to quickly improve one's immediate practice experience. These assists come forth to suite the individual need, ranging from guidance on using props to work with a specific physical challenge, to gentle hands~on posture correction, or visual metaphors to find the essence of a pose. As helpful and desirable as this is, what stands out most to me is the way my in~class experience has tangibly enhanced the quality of life outside the studio doors.

-Corinne C.