What Is A Doula?

What is a doula?

Definition: noun A person who is trained to assist another person during childbirth and who may provide support to the family after the baby is born.

The word doula comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves." The term is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, informational, objective and solution focused support to the person giving birth before, during and just after birth or during the postpartum period.

Research shows that continuous support during labour improves outcomes for birthing person and infants, including:

* reduced inductions
* shorter duration of labour
* decreased caesarean birth
* greater maternal satisfaction with childbirth experience

Birth Doulas offer continuous physical, emotional and spiritual labor support t in the form of:

Practical support:
* Birth mentoring
* Providing evidence based information
* Education and knowledge of alternatives
* Birthing resources
* Preparing for postpartum

Physical support:
* Massage, counter pressure and/or hip squeezes
* Hot/cold therapy
* Water therapy
* Suggested position changes to progress labor
* Use of labor props (birth & peanut balls, oils/aromatherapy, rebozo, comb, fan)

Emotional and spiritual support:
* Relaxation techniques
* Rhythmic breathing
* Guided visualizations
* Rituals
* Unwavering non-judgemental support
* Holding space for birthing person to step into their own power

Want to learn more about my doula services? Let’s set up a meet and greet! Contact me to get started.


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